You can download the lectures here. We will try to upload lectures prior to their corresponding classes.

  • Course Introduction
    tl;dr: An introduction to the course syllabus, timeline and background.
  • Concept Learning
    tl;dr: Learning from Examples, General-to-specific ordering over hypotheses, Version Spaces & candidate elimination algo, Picking new examples, the need for inductive bias
    [Slides] [Scribe]
  • Concept Learning: Continued
    tl;dr: Find-S Algorithm, Version Space and CANDIDATE- ELIMINATION, LIST-THEN-ELIMINATION Algorithm, Overview to Desicion Tree.
  • Decision Tree
    tl;dr: Desicion Tree: Introduction, Useage, Types, Shanon's Entropy, Information Gain, Examples.
  • Decision Tree: Continued
    tl;dr: Desicion Tree: ID3, Inductive Bias, Overfitting & it's avoiding techniques
  • Linear Regression-I
    tl;dr: Linear Regression: MLE, MEP, Introduction to LR
  • Linear Regression-II
    tl;dr: Linear Regression: Normal equation, closed form solution for LR
    [proof] [scribe]

    Supplementary Reading:

  • Linear Regression-III
    tl;dr: Probabilistic interpretation of LR, Locally weighted LR, analysis of different error functions in LR
    [boardwork] [notes] [scribe]
  • Logistic Regression
    tl;dr: Logistic regression, training of logistic regression, sigmoid function, concave objective function
    [boardwork] [scribe] [reading-I] [reading-II]

    Supplementary Reading:

  • Generalized Linear Models (GLMs)
    tl;dr: Exponential family of distributions, link function, Proofs of Normal/Poisson/Binomial distributions in GLMs
    [boardwork] [reading-I]

    Supplementary Reading:

  • Generative Learning Algorithms
    tl;dr: Generative Learning algorithm, Gaussian discriminant analysis (Introduction)
    [boardwork] [reading-I] [reading-II]
  • Generative Learning Algorithms: Continued
    tl;dr: Gaussian discriminant analysis, linear decision boundary, quadratic decision boundary, Naive Bayes Classifier, Smoothing
    [boardwork] [reading-I] [reading-II]
  • Support Vector Machines (SVMs) -- I
    tl;dr: Basics of coordinate geometry, Lagrange Multipliers, KKT Conditions
    [scribe] [boardwork] [KKT - Lecture Note] [reading-I]
  • Support Vector Machines (SVMs) -- II
    tl;dr: Primal and Dual Problems, Objective function of SVM, Optimization of SVM
    [scribe] [boardwork] [reading-I]
  • Support Vector Machines (SVMs) -- III
    tl;dr: tl;dr: Kerner tricks -- Linear, Polynomial, RBF
    [boardwork] [reading-I] [reading-II]
  • Support Vector Machines (SVMs) -- IV
    tl;dr: Kerner tricks -- SVM Soft Margin, bias and variance
    [scribe] [reading-I]
  • Bias-Variance Tradeoff
    tl;dr: Mathematical derivation of bias, variance and noise and discuss their trade-off
    [scribe] [reading-I]
  • Ensemble learning
    tl;dr: Bagging, Boosting, Random Forest
    [scribe] [reading-I] [reading-II]
  • Boosting
    tl;dr: Weak learner, Boosting reduces bias, Anyboost and Adaboost algorithms
    [scribe] [reading-I] [reading-II] [reading-III]
  • Instance-based learning
    tl;dr: tl;dr: kNN, error analysis, bias and variance
    [scribe] [boardwork] [reading-I]

    Supplementary Reading:

  • Dimensionality Reduction
    tl;dr: Principal component analysis, Singular value decomposition, Linear Discriminant analysis
    [scribe] [PCA] [LDA] [SVD]
  • Dimensionality Reduction -- Part II, Introduction to Neural Networks
    tl;dr: Linear Discriminant Analysis, History of Neural Networks
  • Machine Learning, Everywhere! - Guest Lecture by Dr. Sumit Bhatia
    tl;dr: Overview of ML’s importance in Adobe’s operations, Case studies showcasing how ML drives product innovation and enhancement, impacting everyday life from space missions (Chandrayaan) to online deliveries.

  • Perceptron and Multi-layer Perceptron
    tl;dr: MPNet, Perceptron, Multi-layer Perceptron, Activation Function, Backpropagation
  • CNN, Intro to RNN
    tl;dr: Convolutional Network Networks, Recurrent Neural Networks
    [CNN Slides] [RNN Slides] [CNN Reading]

    Supplementary Material:

  • RNN (conclusion), Transformer
    tl;dr: BPTT, issues with RNNs, LSTM, Attention
    [RNN Slides] [LSTM Slides] [Attention Slides]

    Supplementary Material:

  • Transformer (Conclusion)
    tl;dr: Self-attention, masked self-attention, encoder-decoder transformer
    [Slides-I] [Slides-II]

    Supplementary Material: